Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Naphta Competition Results

I suppose its about time I posted these. The answer was (obviously) Captain Jack Sparrow from Pirates of The Carribean. Only recently Naphta confessed to me (in the strictest of confidence) that he'd been obsessing over the films, and whilst choking back briney tears went on to say that Johnny Depps' camp performances had affected him on a deeply personal level - that 'everything is different now... everything'

The sad news is that no-one guessed correctly so there'll be no prizes....


Anonymous Ben UFO said...

Ah but droid, might I refer you to the thread on the relative influence of Stockhausen on subvert central from the other week?

To quote you, "Influence does not require 'direct' contact with an artist or his works." I therefore propose that Captain Blackbeard still had the more profound influence on Naphta's dress sense, being that he was blatently a prototype for Captain Jack (of whom I also share an appreciation) and his many imitators. I mean, just check out that hat!

12:37 PM  
Blogger droid said...

Heh... good point Ben.

I agree that Blackbeard (or his image) has shaped the concept of what it meant to 'be a pirate'- and can therefore can be said to have had an indirect influence on all pirates thereafter - but try telling that to an over-emotional pirate-junglist in the midst of an identity crisis!

Naphta insisted on Sparrow and I have no choice but to accept his judgement.

12:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

haha you crazed fuckers! :)

droid! give that CD to one of the crew and give 100 lashes to the rest of em!

Captain Naffles

4:55 PM  

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